Infinity DigiSolutions, Inc. appreciates that no-one knows your business better than yourself so we never try to sermonize you with the business management protocols. What we do is help shape the comprehensive understanding of the challenges our clients face, advice and assist them with our tailor-made solutions.

U.S-based, Infinity DigiSolutions has developed itself as one of the pioneering groups of companies. Being renowned for our comprehensive marketing data services, we religiously cater to the Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumers (B2C) needs. Our approach sticks to the fact that a business reaches its peak if focus is on the right audience. This idea has always compelled us to provide our clients with the most reliable and exceptional business data.

Customer excellence tops our priority list and makes us think in terms of the client’s visions and budgets.

Being the most practiced marketing technique; Email Appending operates by considering familiar customer data (including first name, last name, and postal address) then coordinating it with a credible database. Following this procedure, we find our customers via their email addresses. On our customers’ behalf, we e-mail significant information about their business and upcoming offers to their former or latest clientele.

As we understand the significance of sending alerts to your potential buyers, we dedicatedly work towards emailing them about varied events and offers. We conduct email campaigning by spreading words throughout the list of subscribers. Campaigning is made effective either by sending invitations for company’s events and joining social media page, or by sending alerts about seasonal offers. The purpose of email campaigns is to maintain customer constancy, brand’s reputation, and excellent sales.

Our Team: Consultants You Can Always Rely on

Customer excellence comes to us because of our finest data-oriented marketing solutions. While delivering these marketing services, we never lose our focus on improving ROI and brand visibility. Working on the lines of our perfectly laid out ethics, we assist our clients with a broad gamut of our promotional tactics. The teamwork and rigorous decision-making sessions help us serve our clients unflinchingly and with quality. We provide you with honest and objective feedbacks you need to make sound business decisions. Our consulting philosophy is designed to help you make tough decisions and develop action plans that are realistic and designed to achieve results. By working in a close partnership with you, we insure our participation and total commitment to instigating the plans and strategies developed to achieve results.

Why Prefer Us Out of All?​

You must have dealt with various hot-shot consulting agencies that claim to offer seamless services at a smart package but turned out be mere big mouths. The consultants at Infinity DigiSolutions show what they state by exceeding your expectations.

With our personalized approach of doing things, we prove our competence in the marketplace.

Our team employs all its efforts in filtering the database and finding the best for our clients by transforming their potential buyers into dedicated consumers. From data collection to validation, we perform in terms of your budget and primary needs. Going beyond the typical, Infinity DigiSolutions functions holistically, keeping in mind the contemporary business demands.